• Ali-kazam
-- Jack Dann, Dreaming Down-Under (2004)
• Alla gazam
-- John Scarne, Scarne on Card Tricks (1950)
• Alla Ka-Zam, Alla Ka-Zook
-- Denise Anton Wright, "A Witch's Winter Kitchen," One-Person Puppet
Plays (1990)
• Alla-kazooey, alla-kazammy, hey presto
"[H]e waved the wand over the cloth-covered cage several times, 'Allakazooey, alla-kazammy, hey . . . presto!' He tapped the cage sharply with
his wand, whipped the black cloth away with a flourish, and turned to the
audience." -- Elaine Clark McCarthy, "Maximillian's Magic" (2000)
• Allah-kazam
"A very low-key ritual dance began with a peck of a kiss followed by certain
wigglings and allah-kazam, they were in the missionary posture." -- Leon
Uris, A God in Ruins (1999)
• Allah Kazam
"The Fairy moved the wand. 'Allah Kazam!' The princess shook her foot.
It was no longer made of stone." -- Jane Yolen, Sleeping Ugly
• Alla Kazam
-- Clyde Edgerton, Floatplane Notebooks (1989)
• Alla Kazamm
-- Tales to Astonish #58 (1964)
• Alla kazam shazam
-- Robert Asprin, Another Fine Myth (1978)
• Allakazam
Professional magician Mark Wilson used this word in his show "The Magic
Land of Allakazam," the first network television magic series.1 9
• Allakazoo allakazam
-- Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses (1988)
• Allakazoot
-- Peter Lerangis, Presto! Magic Treasure (2002)
• A-Lla Kazzim-a-lla-kazzam
-- Etgar Keret, Jetlag (1998)
• AllaKhazam
Founded in 1999, "AllaKhazam's Magical Realm" is the name of a website
dedicated to covering "Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games."
• Alley shazam
-- Nevada Barr, Track of the Cat (199 )
1 9 Mark Wilson, Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic (1975)