• Demonstration of stagecraft
-- E.J. Clery, The Rise of Supernatural Fiction, 1762-1800 (1999)
• Disappearing act
"[P]ulling some sort of disappearing trick. Now you see it, now you don't."
-- Daniel M. Hausman, Economic Analysis and Moral Philosophy (1996)
"[O]ne can only speak of the film as a conjurer's 'now you see it, now
you don't' disappearance act." -- Thomas Elsaesser, Weimar Cinema and Af
ter: Germany's Historical Imaginary (2000)
"The Pleistocene extinction is a vanishing trick that falls under the
heading, 'Now you see them, now you don't,' for at the time human beings
were numerous all over the earth." -- Charles Panati, The Browser's Book of
Endings: The End of Practically Everything and Everybody (1989)
• Ebb and flow
-- Matthew Fox, The Way of Conflict (2004)
• Elusive, slippery
-- Jerome D. Levin, Theories of the Self (1992)
-- Ruth Robbins, Pater to Forster, 1873-1924 (200 )
• Evanescent
-- Edward Bliss Jr., Writing News for Broadcast (1994)
• Fleeting image
-- Charles Hayes, Tripping (2000)
• Flick, flicker
"[A] flickering, trompe-l'oeil quality: Now you see it, now you don't." --
Lance Morror, Evil: An Investigation (200 )
"There's something about the crimson flash of a snake's forked tongue
or the now-you-see-it-now-you-don't flicker of a lizard's nictitating membrane,
the clear film that acts as a third eyelid, that gives most people the
willies -- and thrills a select few." -- Osha Gray Davidson, Fire in the Turtle
House (2001)
"Then the electricity supply began to flicker -- now you see it now you
don't." -- John Lawton, A Little White Death (1999)
"[W]ith the flick of a switch -- now you see it, now you don't." -- Chris
Lefteri, Glass (2004)
"[H]is touches have a rather flickering appearance; now you see them,
now you don't." -- Jacqueline A. Rankin, Body Language of the Abused Child
• Fluctuating pattern
-- Elaine Shimberg, Living With Tourette Syndrome (1995)
• Game of appearance and reality
-- Ian Stronach, Educational Research Undone (1995)
• Ghostlike
-- David Punter, The Gothic (2004)
• Hide-and-seek game
-- Rose Mary Dougherty, The Lived Experience of Group Spiritual Direction
(200 )