gems that lie in the three stone coffers will never shine round the neck of
an earthly beauty. They and Foulata's bones will keep cold company till the
end of all things." -- H. Rider Haggard, King Solomon's Mines (1885)
• Shortcut
"I . . . knew the shortcut, the open sesame." -- Philippe Sollers, Event
"Here is the open-sesame way of representing the problem." -- Jake
Copeland, Artificial Intelligence (199 )
• Skeleton key
"There is . . . a certain kind of 'open sesame' which seems less a charm
than a skeleton key." -- Vladimir Nabokov, The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
"This increase in wealth and the prospect of its acceleration had be
come a kind of master-key, the ideological open-sesame of society." -- Roy
Porter, English Society in the 18th Century (1982)
"Back in high school and college, they had pored over books, believ
ing that knowledge alone was the open sesame to financial and professional
rewards." -- Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People (19 6)
• Solution
"[A] magic 'open sesame' to all our problems . . ." -- A. Trevor Hodge,
Roman Aqueducts and Water Supply (2002)
• Starting point
"[C]ertain ideas burst upon the intellectual landscape with a tremendous
force. They resolve so many fundamental problems at once that they seem
also to promise that they will resolve all fundamental problems, clarify all
obscure issues. Everyone snaps them up as the open sesame of some new
positive science, the conceptual center-point around which a comprehensive
system of analysis can be built." -- Clifford Geertz, Interpretation of Cultures
(197 )
"[The heart of a white cock] was the open sesame to many experiments."
-- Idries Shah, Oriental Magic (1956)
• Stimuli, especially "the correct stimuli"
-- Leslie Glass, Stealing Time (2000)
• Trigger
-- Melvin Burgess, Doing It (2004)
• Voilà
"Aziz squeezes once, then releases her. 'Open sesame,' he says, 'the spell is
broken.'" -- Diana Abu-Jaber, Crescent (200 )
"It was like a story out of a library book: he said the magic words
and -- Open, Sesame! -- something amazing happened." -- Pete Hamill,
Snow in August (1997)
• Wide open
"A door left even slightly ajar is 'open sesame' to a cunning ferret." -- Gary
Bucsis and Barbara Somerville, The Ferret Handbook (2001)
"[T]he world split wide open, open sesame, for motorcycle entry
only." -- Laurie Gough, Kite Strings of the Southern Cross (1999)