was asking me to go with her to the confrontation of something that was
sacred and eternal. It was a timeless, timeless thing." For his grandmother,
"words were medicine; they were magic and invisible. They came from
nothing into sound and meaning." As in Genesis, the Kiowa creation story
begins with something happening in the nothingness. "There was a voice, a
sound, a word -- and everything began."
Let us apply Momaday's discussion directly to the art of a magician
by positing a few questions:
o Does not a magician want his audience to "listen and delight" in his
o Does not a magician want to draw an entire audience into his presence?
o Does not a magician wish to take hold of people's imaginations and help
them to share in the awe and wonderment?
o Does not a magician wish to present a timeless mystery?
By speaking a magic word, a magician most certainly encourages his audience
to "listen and delight" as he encompasses them in his presence, takes
hold of their collective imagination, and allows them to share in the "wonder."
By uttering his magic word, a magician invites the audience to accompany
him in confronting something "sacred and eternal . . . a timeless thing,"
as Momaday puts it. And when he produces the magic syllables for all to
hear, a magician makes every member of the audience an active participant
in the miracle. For "in the world of magic, the Word creates."
5 Gahl Sasson, A Wish Can Change Your Life: How to Use the Ancient Wisdom of Kabbalah
to Make Your Dreams Come True (200 ). Howard Rheingold writes that "We create
the world every day when we utter words. Yet we are rarely aware of this awesome
act. The power of words is woven so tightly into our daily lives that we hardly ever
take time to marvel at it. Our ancestors knew, though: It is no accident that many of
the world's religious scriptures assert that the universe was created by a word" (They
Have a Word for It [2000]). Migene Gonzalez-Wippler provides an example: "The
Kabbalah has a fascinating story to tell on the creation of the world by sound. It says
that when God decided to create the universe He was uncertain as to which letter he
would use to begin creation. All the letters of the Hebrew alphabet came to God in
one long line and each pleaded with Him to use it, naming and vastly exaggerating all
its wonderful qualities. God listened to all of them thoughtfully, and finally decided
on the letter Beth, which means house or container. With the power of the letter
Beth God 'contained' the unmanifested universe and created the entire cosmos" (The
Complete Book of Spells, Ceremonies and Magic [1978]).