The Magician's Hidden Library Magic Words: A Dictionary

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MAGIC WORDS your Grandma?' They say, 'No, abracadabra.' I respond, 'No, I'm not from Alabama.' They yell 'Abracadabra!' and I say, 'Oh, Have a Banana!' As I say this I make a banana appear. Then I proceed to make several bananas appear to the laughter of the audience."69 • Rabbit-Cadabra Rabbit-Cadavra is the title of a picture book for children, featuring a vampire rabbit and characters from the Bunnicula series of books by James Howe (199 ). • Sabbra Cadabra -- Black Sabbath's album Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (197 ) In Literature: • "One of the most fantastic words going is 'abracadabra.'" -- John-Roger, Psychic Protection (1976) • "Abracadabra. Fee Fo Fi Bloody Fum. And just when everyone thinks you're going to produce the most ludicrously faked bit of cheese-cloth ectoplasm, or a phoney rap on the table, it comes. Clear as a bell. Quite unexpected. The voice of truth!" -- John Mortimer, Rumpole of the Bailey (1978) • "We came around the peak of a high hill and there in front and to the right of us (and far, far below stretched miles of soft-colored sands and in the distance, much further out than I had dreamed) was the traditional castle, ethereal and unreal as though it had just risen from the sea, like an 'Arabian Nights' castle, exactly as if someone had just wished it there: 'Abracadabra!'" -- Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Bring Me a Unicorn: Diaries and Letters (1971) • "And I, her daughter, listening wide-eyed to her charming apocrypha, with tales of Mithras and Baldur the Beautiful and Osiris and Quetzalcoatl all interwoven with stories of flying chocolates and flying carpets and the Triple Goddess and Aladdin's crystal cave of wonders and the cave from which Jesus rose after three days, amen, abracadabra, amen." -- Joanne Harris, Chocolat (2000) • "'You think you're the only magician in the family? I'm going to make an old eyesore disappear. And in its place . . . abracadabra. A brand new town.' 'Nobody says abracadabra anymore.' He laughed. 'They will now.'" -- D.K. Smith, Nothing Disappears (2004) • "'Abracadabra,' Charlene murmured to herself as she crossed against the traffic in the rain, 'that's an exotic word.' Somewhere in the distance a bomb exploded softly." -- Kate Atkinson, Not the End of the World (200 ) • From Jamrach Holobom, quoted in The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce (1911): 69 Personal correspondence (2005),
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