The Magician's Hidden Library Magic Words: A Dictionary

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MAGIC WORDS • Hocus pocus, chicken bones choke us, dabra ca abra, boom! -- (2001) • Hocus-pocus diddily-ocus -- Rex Weyler, Greenpeace: How a Group of Ecologists, Journalists, and Visionaries Changed the World (2004) • Hocus Pocus Dominocus "Hocus pocus, dominocus, I whispered over and over to myself. I didn't want to forget them. They were the words that disappeared things and changed them into other things. This was useful information. I'd try them right away on baby brother. If they worked, I'd try them on my homeroom teacher, the one who gave me a 'U' in conduct for no reason at all on my last report card." -- Marcia Mascolini, "Hocus Pocus Dominocus," Front Street Review "'Hocus-Pocus-Dominocus,' she is to be transformed into this ravishing beauty." -- Vince Corbett, The Marvelous Maverick (2004) • Hocus Pocus Fishbones Chokus -- Ali Bongo, professional magician. This phrase was picked up in Virginia Henley's novels The Dragon and the Jewel (1991), Seduced (1994), and The Border Hostage (2002). • Hocus-pocus flim-flam "Nothing happened. Gogoud tried again, saying the magic words 'Hocuspocus, flim-flam.'" -- Marek Kohn, "Sir Teo's Quest" (2000) • Hocus-pocus Hexenschuss Uttered by the witch in the opera Hänsel und Gretel: "She waves a juniper bough, utters the words 'Hocus-pocus Hexenschuss' -- and they are paralyzed." -- Henry W. Simon, 100 Great Operas and Their Stories: Act-By-Act Synopses (1989) • Hocus-pocus, Habeas corpus -- Karen Joy Fowler, Sister Noon (2002) • Hocus-pocus, Hicksius-doxius -- Aphra Behn, The Rover, the Feigned Courtesans, the Lucky Chance, the Emperor of the Moon (2000) • Hocus pocus lemon nokus From a children's clapping game, transcribed by T. Berry Brazelton in Touchpoints 3 to 6 (2002). • Hocus Pocus, Madam'mnocus -- Mike Greene, "Hypnotizing Chickens: A Cautionary Tale," Mystic River Review (2002) • Hocus pocus mumbo jumbo -- John Wooden, Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success (2005) "'The 'hocus-pocus, mumbo-jumbo' mystification of traditional Afri can beliefs found in many Western films . . ." -- Melissa Thackway, Africa Shoots Back (200 )
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