• Hocus Pocus, Now you see it, now you don't
-- Peter R. Breggin, Talking Back to Ritalin (2001)
• Hocus pocus-pocus
-- Roger Van Noord, Assassination of a Michigan King (1988)
• Hocus pocus pocus hocus
"Chant: 'Hocus Pocus, Pocus Hocus,' and wave your hands in the air."
-- ScoutXing.com (2002)
• Hocus Pocus, toilet plunger, football touchdown, woof
"I moved my hands back and forth, around and around, chanting, 'Hocus
pocus, toilet plunger, football touchdown, woof!' I crashed the two circles
together, then held them up, now linked together. 'Ta da!'" -- Jon Scieszka,
Sam Samurai (2001)
• Hocus pocus zippity-doo-dah
-- Ntozake Shange, "Spell #7 Geechee Jibara Quick Magic Trance Manual
for Technologically Stressed Third World People," Honey, Hush! (1998)
• Hocus pokus
-- Annie Modesitt, Confessions of a Knitting Heretic (2004)
• Hocus-pokus Hanky-panky
-- Steven C. Smith, A Heart at Fire's Center: The Life and Music of Bernard Herrmann
• Hogie-pogie
Lakota Chief Wallace Black Elk's phrase for a magician's illusions (Black
Elk: The Sacred Ways of a Lakota [1991]).
• Hokuspokus
-- Jürgen Köller (200 )
• Hoocus Poocus Dominocus
-- Karin Michels (2005)
• Hopeless Focus
-- Professional magician Steve Charney, Hocus Jokus: 50 Funny Magic Tricks
Complete with Jokes (200 )
• Hukus-Pukus
-- Professional magician Steve Charney, Hocus Jokus: 50 Funny Magic Tricks
Complete with Jokes (200 )
• Horcty Porcty Dominorky
This phrase appears in a choral warm-up chant of the Harvard Noteables.
The chant is entitled "Aktamalygawhat?":
Aktamaly Gazali Gazamti Yamti Yedi Yahoo
Inkti Minkty Yedde Gazinkti Yamti Rei Yahoo
Wing Wang Tricky Tracky
Poo Foo Joozy Woozy
Skizzle Wizzle Wang Dang
Horcty Porcty Dominorky